Pop Up Driver For Account Track On Mac Konica Minolta

Some departments on campus have departmental copiers. Often, these copiers are set up as there network printers, also. Due to budgets, and shared copiers among multiple departments, some departments have user authentication set up in order to track the amount of prints/copies users make.

The easiest way to set this up, is to remote into the device via web browser. Just type in the IP address of the printer to reach the web interface. 2005 sportster service manual download. Here you will be able to log in as the administrator. See your supervisor for the admin code.

Both User Authentication and Account Track need to be set up with user codes. For copiers that need to be tracked, and reported back to Konica, or Gobins, this will be of extreme use. Otherwise, it just requires a password to make copies.


Konica Minolta bizhub C450 Instructions for setting up User Authentication and Account Tracking. These installation instructions were written specifically for the Windows XP platform but should work on other Windows platforms as well. Enable the account track function. Also register the account. In the administrator mode, select User Auth/Account Track - General Settings, then configure the following settings. In the administrator mode, select User Auth/Account Track - Account Track Settings - New Registration, then register an account.

Each department has different requirements, so speak with the admin to see how they are set up.

To set up User Auth/Account Track, remote into the copier, and log in as admin. Select the User Auth/Account Track tab. From here, select User Authentication Setting>User Registration. Register all users and set their passwords. Once this is done, enabel Account Track and create the users and their passwords (this is where you'll need the info from the admin).

If a password is required to print, they have two options. A pop up every single time a job is sent to the printer, requiring authentication, or a one time authentication when the copier is added. Again, this is info obtained from the admin. The pop up needs to be enabled/disabled from the print server, so anyone with access will have to set it.

If the pop up is not required, open the device and choose printer properties. From there, choose Basic. There is a button for User Auth/Account Track. In this window you can set the user name and password. Always make sure to validate the credentials. If it validates, send a test page.

Retrieved from 'https://howto.adams.edu/index.php?title=Set_up_Konica_Minolta_Copiers_with_User_Authentication&oldid=1762'
  • 3Installing the Printer Driver

Obtaining the Printer Driver

Download the printer driver for your OS and printer. You can find the drivers here: Drivers

Before You Begin

You will require an account tracking code and the IP address of the printer you want to install. IP addresses for the Konica Minolta printers can be found here.

Installing the Printer Driver

Windows 7

Unzip the printer driver file, go into the resulting Driver folder and run Setup64.exe.

Pop Up Driver For Account Track On Mac Konica Minolta 363

Select Install printers/MFPs and Preference for IPv4, then click on Next.
When this dialog appears, you will probably have to wait for a while for it to search for available printers.
Once it has returned control to you, select Specify the Printer/MFP..(IP Adress, Host Name.., then click on Refer to.. It will take you to the Manual Selection dialog.
Type in the IP address of the printer you want to use. Once you've typed in the IP, click on OK.
When you're back at the Select Printer/MFP to Install dialog, click on Next.
Pop Up Driver For Account Track On Mac Konica Minolta
When the installation has completed, click on the Property button.
On the Printing Preferences dialog, click on the Basic tab, then click on Authentication/Account Track...
On the User Authentication/Account Track dialog, enter your account tracking code in the Password field, then click on OK.
Click OK on the subsequent dialogs, and Finish on the last dialog.

You have now succesfully installed the printer driver.

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Windows 10

Pop up driver for account track on mac konica minolta software

Unzip the printer driver file and remember the location where you extracted the contents.
You can obtain drivers here: Drivers

In the Windows 10 search box, search for 'devices and printers' and then double-click on Devices and Printers.
In the Add a device dialog box, click on The printer that I want isn't listed.
Pop Up Driver For Account Track On Mac Konica Minolta
Enter the host name or IP address of the printer
DO NOT let the program automatically select the driver to use.
Rather than selecting from a pre-installed printer driver, point to the drivers you installed earlier by clicking on Have Disk...
Navigate to the folder where you previously unzipped the printer drivers.
If you drill down to the x64 driver folder, the dialog will find a suitable file.
Give the printer a name (you can change or amend the default name).
Click on Finish. The next step is to configure your printer.
Right-click on the printer you just installed, and then click on Printing preferences.
Go to the Basic tab and click on Authentication/Account Track..
In the Password field, type in your printing account tracking code. Then click on OK until all the dialog boxes are closed.

You have now succesfully installed the printer driver.

Account Tracking Greyed Out?

If the Account Tracking fields are greyed out, use the following steps to correct the issue.
Go into the devices and printers dialog and right-click on the printer. Then click on Printer properties.
We need to stop the driver from automatically trying to retrieve settings from the printer. Uncheck the Auto box. Then click on OK.
In the Device Option list box, select Account Track and set its value to Enable.

Pop Up Driver For Account Track On Mac Konica Minolta Printer

Now you can go back to the earlier steps and retry entering your tracking code into the account tracking password field.

Mac OS X

Diablo 2 character editor 1.13. Unzip the printer driver file, go into the resulting Driver folder and run the appropriate driver package for 'letter' sized paper. In the case of our example, we will be installing a driver for the Konica C364 colour printer onto a Mac running OS X 10.7.

Double-click on the appropriate package file and then Continue through all the prompts until the installation is complete.
Driver install has succeeded. Now we can move onto actually installing a Konica-Minolta printer.
Click on the Apple logo menu item, then System Preferences.., then Print & Scan. Click on the + symbol to add a new printer and then click on Add Other Printer or Scanner..
In the Add Printer dialog box, select the IP tab, then select Line Printer Daemon and in the Address field type the url of the Konica-Minolta printer you want to use. Leave the Queue field blank. The Location field should automatically be populated. Click on the Print Using field so we can use specify the type of printer.

Pop Up Driver For Account Track On Mac Konica Minolta Software

Select the first Paper Source Unit and leave all other fields set to their default selections.
The Konica-Minolta has now been successfully installed. Only one more thing to do..
Go into another program, like your browser, and try to print a page. When the print dialog comes up, select your Konica-Minolta and then, if the details are shown, click on the Show Details button.
When the details are displayed, click on the dropdown box that shows the name of the current program..
Check Account Track. In the Account Track dialog, type in your account tracking code in the Password field and check Save Settings and then Ok.
To avoid having to check Account Track every time you print, you can save all your settings as a preset. Just click on the Presets dropdown box and click on Save Current Settings as Preset.. and create a new preset. For all your future printing jobs, just choose that preset and it will automatically use Account Track.

You have now succesfully installed the printer driver.

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