Guidelines For Success champs

Guidelines for Success

ØBe Responsible

1.Take care of personal business during the passing period

2.Follow the student Code of Conduct, and always act with academic honesty*

ØBe Respectful

2.Listen quietly to others
3.Understand that others may have different opinions

ØBe Ready to Learn

1.Arrive on time and bring your supplies to class every day*

2.Keep food out of sight/no sharing

3.Electronics should be stowed and in the off position during class*

Guidelines For Success  Champs Basketball

Success Guidelines For Success champs

Curlew Creek Elementary Students follow these Guidelines for Success: Put Safety First. Palm Harbor, FL. Guidelines For Success / Guidelines For Success At Jean Ribault High School, we strive to promote academic excellence by providing our students with a total quality learning experience while enhancing knowledge and character. To help achieve academic excellence, we created the Guidelines for Success. The Guidelines For Success.

Guidelines For Success  Champs Elysees


Rewards and Consequences


1.Positive Relationships

2.Less Stress

3.Good Grades

4.Happy Teacher

5.Happy Parents


1.Verbal Reminder

2.Conference with Teacher

+1: Timed Owed

3.Parent or Coach Contact

+1: Behavior Contract

4.Office Discipline

*Additional consequences may apply (Following school policy & on a case by case basis in regard to academic dishonesty or severe disruption.)

Guidelines For Success  Champs 2019

Classroom Expectations

ØThings to do Before the Bell

1.Pick up papers


2.Turn in assignments

3.Sharpen Pencils

4.Begin Warm-Up

ØAttention 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

1.Voices off

2.Stop all activities

3.Eyes on Teacher

4.Follow Directions

ØIndependent Work

1.Voices off unless you have permission to speak

2.Begin work right away

3.Focus on your work and stay seated

4.Raise your hand for help

ØExiting Class

1.Wait for dismissal


3.Voice level 1-3

ØDirect Teach

1.Voices off unless called on

2.Stay seated

3.Follow directions

4.Raise your hand

ØPartner/Group Work

1.Voice level 1-2

2.Follow directions and procedures

3.Stay in assigned space

4.Raise your hand for help

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