Genocidemr. Becker's Classroom

Never in the history of the world have so many millions of people been deliberately exterminated as have been killed since 1900. These millions were not, for the most part, casualties of war. They were the victims of genocide: the deliberate and systematic destruction of racial, religious, ethnic, or political groups. A less violent form of genocide is the systematic destruction of a people’s culture.

The word genocide is from the Greek genos, meaning “race,” “nation,” or “tribe,” and the Latin cide, meaning “killing.” The word was coined in about 1944 by a jurist named Raphael Lemkin. What inspired Lemkin to coin the word were events that took place in Germany under Nazi rule from the years 1933 to 1945. The regime of Adolf Hitler established a policy first of persecution and later of outright killing of certain segments of the population under its domination.

Most notorious, of course, was the killing of 6 million Jews from nearly all parts of Europe. This Holocaust, as it is usually called, has become the most remembered segment of Nazi genocide. In all, the Nazis murdered at least 12 million people during the period. In addition to Jews, specific groups of people that were targeted for extermination included Roma (Gypsies), homosexuals, and Slavs.


Genocide, whether the actual killing of large numbers of people or the less-violent destruction of their culture, normally is a policy carried out by governments. This was the case in Germany during the period from 1933 to 1945, in the Soviet Union during the rule of Joseph Stalin, and in most of the other genocides throughout history.

The Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide, Mr. Adama Dieng, released a statement on 7 June in response to the inflammatory rhetoric by President Jammeh of the Gambia. The Special Advisor condemned language that was used at a political rally on 3 June, in which he referred to the Mandinka ethnic group as “enemies, foreigners,”. The European Union and the United Kingdom came to a last-minute trade deal on Christmas Eve, narrowly averting the hardest of all potential Brexits.

Genocidemr. Becker's Classroom Rules

The societies that are most open to genocide have at least one significant minority group that is usually somewhat disadvantaged compared to the majority. The minority group also is usually readily identifiable either by appearance or by checking public records. Seal maker free.

The minorities may be racial, ethnic, religious, or political. Sometimes a specific minority may be regarded as having gained economic or political status that is envied by the majority. This happened to the Jews in Spain in the late Middle Ages and to a lesser degree in the rest of Europe at later dates.

Genocidemr. Becker

Genocide is always a crime against groups, not individuals. The individuals are victims simply because they belong to a group. In this way the individuals themselves are dehumanized, reduced to numbers. Because they are so dehumanized they become, in the eyes of those who destroy them, mere statistics. All the normal moral constraints against killing human beings are set aside.

The goal of those who commit genocide is rarely admitted to be the killing itself. Normally, there is a stated “higher” aim such as the economic or political improvement of society. In Hitler’s case the aim was the “racial purification” of the German people.

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The period of the colonization of the Americas, Africa, Australia, and New Zealand by European countries led to a very high death rate among the native peoples. This was especially true in the Latin American and Caribbean areas settled by Spain. There, both from disease and warfare, uncounted millions of Indians died in what was presented as the march of progress and civilization led by European Christians.

Genocidemr. beckerClassroom

Genocidemr. Becker's Classrooms

One of the first 20th-century events often cited as genocide took place during World War I and was directed against the Armenian residents of the Turkish-led Ottoman Empire. It began in 1915, when the Ottoman government, worried that Armenians would side with Russia against the Ottoman Empire, forced Armenians to leave their homes and to move to the Syrian Desert. Huge numbers of Armenians were killed or died from disease and starvation as a result. Although the exact numbers are uncertain, historians estimate that between 600,000 and 1 million people died. The Turkish government has consistently disputed the number of Armenians killed and denied that the Ottoman government ever intended to exterminate the Armenian people.

Other reports of major genocide have come from India-Pakistan, Nigeria, Rwanda-Burundi, Uganda, Cambodia, and Iran. In the case of India and Pakistan, the killing was not a government-sponsored policy. It took place, rather, as the two countries were being partitioned after becoming independent from Great Britain. Very large numbers of Muslims were slaughtered by Hindus and Sikhs, and vast numbers of Hindus and Sikhs were in turn killed by Muslims in what was essentially religious warfare. About 3 million people were killed in the conflict leading to the establishment of Bangladesh, formerly a part of Pakistan, in 1971.

Genocidemr. Becker's Classroom Activities

After the Indochina war was over in 1975, Cambodia was taken over by Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge army. Over the next four years, in what was called an economic revitalization, from 1 to 3 million people in the country were put to death by the new government.

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In the 1990s a policy of “ethnic cleansing” was undertaken by Serbian forces trying to annex Bosnia and Herzegovina after the breakup of Yugoslavia. The violence was aimed primarily at Muslims, thousands of whom fled the country, while uncounted thousands who remained were tortured, raped, and killed. Croat troops also forced Muslims out of parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the late 1990s the Serbian government conducted another such campaign in the province of Kosovo against the ethnic Albanian majority.

Ethnic fighting erupted between the Hutu and the Tutsi in Rwanda and Burundi in the mid-1990s and later spread to Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of the Congo). More than 1 million were killed, and more than 2 million fled into exile.

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