Download Free Unity 3d Football Game Tutorial

  • If you want to learn how to do 3D game programming in unity this course if for you. I will start teaching from scratch like how to download Unity IDE, how to use unity IDE and even what are the tips and tricks for using Unity IDE more efficiently.
  • Learn about the Unity Interface and how to create your first game in Unity with this Unity Tutorial for Beginners. By Brian Moakley Mar 26 2019 Article (30 mins) Beginner 4.7/5 182 Ratings.
  • In Unity, the scripts start by laying out the tools that you need at the top, and this is usually by declaring variables. You can see the declared variables here with the visibility keyword “public” or 'private' at the front, followed by a type, and a name. When we’re declaring your variables there are several visibility types, but the two most important ones are public.
  • In this guide you’ll learn to create a simple a 3D, multi-level platformer game with Unity. We’ll start from the very basics and I’ve done my best to leave no stone unturned! Convention (and this even includes some official Unity tutorials), 1 Unity unit is 1 meter. The Floor Let’s go ahead and create the floor of the game.

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Recent Examples

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  • How to make a progress bar that tracks the player's progress across a level in a 2D style platformer. View Tutorial

Recent Modules & Challenges

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Creating a simple explosion using a particle system instantiated from a prefab.

Creating a pause in scripts using yield WaitForSeconds()

Finding the distance between two points in 3D space using Vector3.Distance command

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A maintained collection of useful & free unity scripts / libraries / plugins and extensions.

If you want to suggest a link, then read the Contribution Guidelines first.Please report broken links, outdated assets and spelling mistakes. Athletic swoosh font download psd. The links are in no particular order. This list is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 and does only apply to this repository.

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  • Editor

GameObjects & Transforms

  • RecyclerKit - pooling system.
  • UnityOctree - octrees.
  • In-Game Replay System - record and replay transforms.
  • Unity Scene Query - library to traverse and query the Unity scene to find particular objects.
  • UnityTools - Runtime transformation gizmos.
  • Unity3DRuntimeTransformGizmo - Another runtime transform gizmo.

Movement & Animation

  • List View Framework - create dynamic, scrollable lists.
  • Reaktion - audio reaction toolkit.
  • DOTween - tween engine.
  • Camera Path Creator - create complex camera paths.
  • Cinemachine BaseRig - procedural camera system.
  • UnitySpritesAndBones - skeletal sprite animations.
  • spine-unity - import spine animations.
  • ikccd - IK Solver using Cyclic Coordinate Descent.
  • Aim-IK - Procedural orientate character head (and chest) in a direction without using any animation data.
  • RecordAndRepeat - Record and playback of custom data via the timeline.

Controls & Input

  • InputManager - a powerful input manager.
  • TouchScript - multitouch library.

Character Controller

Download Free Unity 3d Football Game Tutorial Games

  • Unity 2D Platformer Controller - 2d platformer character controller.
  • CharacterController2D - 2d character controller.
  • SuperCharacterController - 3d character controller.

AI & Pathfinding

  • A Star Pathfinding for Platformers - A* for platformers.
  • Astar for Unity - A* pathfinding.
  • A* Pathfinding Project - A* pathfinding.
  • UnitySteer - steering, obstacle avoidance and path following behaviors.
  • SimpleTraffic - a simple traffic simulation using Nav Mesh.
  • Self-driving-vehicle - Car pathfinding using Hybrid A* search algorithm.


  • Mario Galaxy Gravity for Unity - mario galaxy gravity.
  • Ocean Community Next Gen - water physics/shader.
  • Voxel GPU Physics - GPU accelerated voxel physics.
  • Interactive Erosion - Runtime fluid erosion for terrain.


  • KvantSpray - gpu accelerated particles.
  • NVIDIA Hair Works Integration - Nvidia hair works.
  • Ember Particles - turbulent ember particles.
  • SPHFluid - Interactive 3D Fluid Simulation based on SPH.

Meshes & Construction

  • ProceduralToolkit - procedural mesh toolkit/generator.
  • Draw - draws primitives with lines.
  • VolumetricLinesUnity - volumetric lines.
  • giles - 3d runtime level editor.
  • Voxelmetric - voxel framework.
  • Procedural Shapes for Unity - procedural shapes.
  • ICO Sphere Mesh Creator - procedural ico spheres.
  • Vertex Painter - paint information onto vertices.
  • FacePaint - paint triangles of meshes.
  • Simplygon - mesh optimization & lod generation.
  • TextMesh Pro - generate text with custom styling.
  • meshcombinewizard - combines all meshes on the chosen gameObject and its children that share the same material.
  • RoadArchitect - road system creator featuring dynamic intersections, bridges, etc.
  • DrawLine - procedural line mesh tool.
  • Deform - a framework for deforming meshes in the editor and at runtime in Unity.
  • 2.5D Destruction - breaks 2D sprites into 2.5D fragments.
  • MetaBalls Liquids - liquid simulation using MetaBalls.

Materials & Shading

  • Projects by RM - wet surface & skin shader.
  • Ocean Community Next Gen - water physics/shader.
  • Flow Map Shader - flow map shader working with sprites.
  • VertexPaint - additional vertex streams.
  • ShaderProject - shader collection.
  • Skybox Plus - a collection of skybox shaders.
  • Outline Shader - outline shader which accomodates screen width and camera distance.
  • Unity Sprite Uber Shader - 3D shading for sprites (e.g. normal mapping).
  • Low Poly Shaders - material shaders optimized for Low Poly stylized meshes.
  • Lux Shader Framework - Lux 2.02 pbr Shader Framework.
  • Unity Wireframe Shaders - general purpose wireframe shaders.
  • Hologram Shader - simple hologram shader.
  • Kamakura Shaders - a collection of shaders and components focusing on Non-Photorealistic Rendering.
  • Facepunch.Highlight - Mesh outline effect.


  • UnitySVG - svg renderer.
  • UnityStbEasyFont - text mesh generator.
  • SpriteLightKit - 2d sprite lights.
  • 2D Light of Sight Unity - 2d flat geometric lightning.
  • Unity Sprite Uber Shader - 3D shading for sprites (e.g. normal mapping).
  • Fungus - 2d interactive storytelling game framework.
  • PolyMesh - 2d shape editor.
  • Unity Tilemap - 2D tilemap editor.
  • 2D Extras - reusable 2d scripts (tilemaps, etc.).
  • Vector Graphics Samples - samples of the Vector Graphics features to be used with Unity 2018.1 and newe.


  • UNet Authoritative Networking - authoritative networking implementation.
  • MLAPI An alternative to Unity’s UNET high level API, allows for separate server/client projects and more.
  • Barebones Master Server - Host your own custom master server setup, avoid CCU fees.


  • SteamVR - VR SDK.
  • The Lab Renderer - VR renderer by Valve.
  • VRTK - contains useful scripts for building VR games.
  • NewtonVR - VR physics and interactions.
  • Cutie Keys - VR keyboard.
  • Punchkeyboard - Another VR keyboard.
  • Hover UI Kit - a complete VR input framework.
  • VRLineRenderer - glowing lines renderer optimized for VR.

Sound & Music

  • usfxr - procedual audio effects.
  • Reaktion - audio reaction toolkit (mac only).
  • DefaultMicrophone - gets the default microphone (windows only).
  • Lasp - Low-latency Audio Signal Processing plugin for Unity.


Download Free Unity 3d Football Game Tutorial
  • Unity UI Extensions - collection of ui extensions.
  • Book Page Curl - page curl transition.
  • Open Pause Menu - read-to-use pause menu.
  • Lunar Mobile Console - debug console for mobiles.
  • InfinityScroll - infinite scrollrects.
  • TextMesh Pro - generate text with custom styling.
  • EasyButtons - create buttons in the inspector using annotations.
  • UI Extensions - various NGUI extensions/helper/scripts.
  • NGUI Extensions - a few NGUI extensions.
  • Webview CSharp - render websites.
  • Typogenic - an easy to use, fast and high-quality 3D text renderer.
  • unity-debug-overlay - a fast and (almost) garbage free debug overlay.

Post-Processing & Rendering

  • kode80SSR - screen-space reflections.
  • KinoObscurance - screen-space ambient obscurance.
  • SMAA - subpixel morphological anti-aliasing.
  • Temporal Reprojection Anti-Aliasing - anti-aliasing solution used in INSIDE.
  • kode80CloudsUnity3D - realtime volumetric clouds.
  • PixelRenderUnity3D - pixelized rendering.
  • PixelCamera2D - pixel-perfect rendering.
  • KinoMotion - motion blur using motion vectors.
  • KinoContour - edge detection.
  • KinoMirror - kaleidoscope effect.
  • KinoFringe - chromatic aberration.
  • KinoBinary - 1-bit monochrome effect.
  • KinoFeedback - retro framebuffer feedback effect.
  • KinoRamp - color ramp overlay.
  • KinoSlitscan - slit-scan effect.
  • KinoGlitch - glitch effect.
  • KinoDatamosh - datamosh.
  • unity vhsglitch - vhs glitch effect.
  • Scanline Shader - scanline effect.
  • KinoFog - global fog.
  • KinoBloom - bloom.
  • KinoBokeh - bokeh effect.
  • KinoVignette - vignette.
  • KinoVision - frame information visualizer.
  • Unity5Effects - post-processing collection.
  • LightShafts - light shafts.
  • VolumetricLights - volumetric lights.
  • SonarFx - wave patterns.
  • Cinematic Image Effects - cinematic image effects.
  • Post-processing Stack - multiple image effects in one pipeline.
  • Moments - gif recorder.
  • uDesktopDuplication - realtime screen capture as Texture2D.
  • Heat Distortion Effect - a shader which distorts the image behind, using a normal map.
  • Clear Flags Effect - Image Effect to reproduce the Clear Flags camera effect.
  • DeLightingTool - tool to remove lighting information from textures in a photogrammetry asset pipeline.
  • unity-lut-generator - LookUpTable generator for Unity.
  • SEGI - Sonic Ether’s voxel-based global illumination system.
  • Aura - a local simulation of the light scattering into the surrounding medium.


  • Toast - android toast notifications.
  • FBSucks - android share image & text.
  • UnityShowAndroidStatusBar - android show statusbar.
  • Google VR SDK - google mobile vr sdk.
  • Unity Webview - webview overlay.
  • CUDLR - remote debugging and logging console.
  • Simplygon - mesh optimization & lod generation.


  • uREPL - runtime evaluation of c# expressions.
  • UberLogger - advanced logging API, improved editor console & ingame console.
  • Unity File Debug - enhanced Debug.Log with file export and web viewer.
  • Immediate Window – Type code and get immediate feedback with object inspection like chrome console debugger.



  • Favorites List - mark objects/scenen/assets as favorites to return to them quickly.
  • REX Diagnostics - runtime evaluation of c# expressions.
  • Better Defines - platform dependent preprocessor directive manager.
  • MissingReferencesUnity - find missing references.
  • Unity Resource Checker - resource analyzer.
  • Asset Usage Detector - checks if an asset is used in code and/or scene files.
  • Compile Time Tracker - compile time tracker.
  • UnityStudio - unity asset export tool.
  • Screen Shooter - takes screenshots with multiple resolutions at once.
  • Script Templates for Unity - script templates.
  • Unity 2D Destruction - sprite destruction.
  • CurveTexture - bake curves into texture.
  • Unity3D Rainbow Folders - folder icons.
  • Unity Themes - editor themes.
  • Tree Randomizer - randomize unity trees.
  • Render Settings Duplicator - clones the render settings from one scene to another.
  • Piviot Transform Helper - adds piviot creation shortcuts to the context menu.
  • ScriptExecutionOrder Attribute - attribute to specify execution order.
  • Simple Editor Shortcuts Tools Collection - small collection of simple tools to help in scene editing workflows.
  • Mulligan Renamer - bulk renaming tool for game objects and assets.
  • BitField Attribute - Enable bit field masking from the Unity Editor.
  • ScriptableObject Menu - Create ScriptableObjects from the Unity Editor.


  • Brainiac - behaviour tree & (behaviour-)node-based visual editor.
  • Node Editor - (calculation-)node editor.
  • BrotherhoodOfNode - (more graphical-)node editor for visual things.
  • VisualNoiseDesigner - visual noise designer.
  • SimpleGeo - simple geometry painter.
  • Curves and Splines - curve & spline editor.
  • Unity 2D Joint Editors - 2d joint editors.
  • PolyMesh - 2d shape editor.
  • VertexPaint - vertex data painter.
  • SabreCSG - a set of level design tools for building complex levels.
  • Constants Generator Kit - generates static classes for layers, scenes, tags and resources.
  • Unity Tilemap - 2D tilemap editor.
  • Node Editor Framework - Node Editor Framework for creating node based displays and editors.
  • Unity Event Visualizer - graph editor for viewing all UnityEvents.

Inspector Extensions

  • Reorderable Lists - reorderable list field.
  • Ordered Dictionary - ordered dictionary field.
  • ClassTypeReference - class type reference field.
  • Unity3D ExtendedEvent - extended event selector.
  • Property Drawer Collection - collection of property drawers.
  • Node Inspector - node based inspector.
  • ColorBands - color bands.
  • QuickEvent - persistent event handlers with static or dynamic values.
  • Reorder Components - reorder components on your GameObjects.
  • AwesomeComponent - auto load assets on SerializedFields.
  • ScenePreview Inspector - view scene preview in inspector.


  • Unity Excel Importer Maker - excel.
  • Unity Psd Importer - advanced psd import.

Serialization & Web

  • Full Serializer - custom serializer.
  • Json.Net - Newtonsoft Json.NET.
  • SQLite4Unity3d - sql lite.
  • UnityHTTP - http library.
  • Unity QuickSheet - import data from google/excel sheets.
  • Odin Unity Serializer - Arguably the best serializer for Unity out there.

Social SDKs

  • Google Analytics Plugin - Google Analytics.
  • Google Play Games Plugin - Google Play plugin.
  • Facebook SDK - Facebook sdk.
  • Reign Unity Plugin - unified mobile api.
  • GetSocial SDK - community api.
  • SOOMLA Framework - store api.
  • Steamworks.NET - c# wrapper for valve’s Steamworks API.
  • Facepunch.Steamworks - Steamworks C# API (not all features implemented, but better API).
  • twitter-for-unity - Twitter API Client for Unity.

API Extensions & Helper

  • Camera Extension - a better way of manipulating the culling mask.
  • Download Manager - simple file downloads.
  • UnityMainThreadDispatcher - main thread dispatcher.
  • UnityBitmapDrawing - texture2d drawing extensions.
  • Unity3D ComponentAttribute - auto component referencing.
  • Unity3D ExecutionOrderAttribute - execution order attribute.
  • LINQ to GameObject for Unity - gameobject linq querys.
  • Chained Works - coroutine chained procedures.
  • TeaTime - timer queue for coroutines.
  • Smart Tags and Layers - generates static values for your tags and layers.
  • DTValidator - finds broken and unassigned references.
  • xNode - easily create node-based plugins.

Design Patterns

  • Unity Singleton MonoBehaviour - powerful singleton.
  • Signals - simple event/signal system.
  • Unity3d Finite State Machine - simple finite stata machine.
  • stateless - more complex state machines.
  • Design Patterns in Unity Example - collection of design patterns.
  • Entitas CSharp - entity component system framework.
  • strangeioc - inversion of control framework.
  • Zenject - depedency injection framework.
  • UniRx - unity reactive extensions implementation.
  • Stateless - Fork of Stateless dot net statemachine for .Net 3.5.


  • demilib - various utilities and tools for Unity.
  • Excessives - General purpose C# and Unity3D utility scripts.


  • Unity Right Click - windows context menu extension: ‘open with unity’.
  • No Hot-Reload - prevent unity hot-reloads.
  • Unity C# 5.0 and 6.0 Integration - c# 5 & 6 integration for unity.
  • FLUnity - flash to unity.
  • Projeny - project management.
  • CUDLR - remote debugging and logging console.
  • WebGL - Simple Loading Fix - custom loading bar for the webgl loader.
  • UtilityKit - SerializationUtil, SpriteAnimator, SpriteAnimator, MathHeloers, AutoSnap, …
  • Remove Boo.Lang and UnityScript Hints - Project Generation Hook to remove references to Boo.Lang and UnityScript assemblies.
  • Asset Store Batch Mode - API for uploading Unity Asset Store packages.
  • Unity Size Explorer - analyzes the disk space usage of your build.
  • Better Unity Script Templates - improved Script templates.
  • UnityCsReference - Unity C# reference source code.
  • Shader Calibration Charts - Unity StandardShader calibration charts.
  • Save Game Free - cross platform, encrypted, online-stored saves.
  • UCompile - runtime compilation and execution of CSharp code.
  • UDBase - module-based game template for Unity.
  • Hull-Delaunay-Voronoi - Hull, Delaunay and Voronoi algorithms in Unity.
  • YTranslate - machine translation using Yandex Translate.
  • AR Support Checker - plain detection of AR supported (ARCore, ARKit, AR Foundation) devices.

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