Kalar 1 st Graders Play “Coconut Vowels” In the game, students were divided into three groups and had to figure out what vowels were missing out of the words given. When each group of students finished with few mistakes, they received points in the game.
Image poster for 'Elephant Feed' video Language Arts Elephant Feed. Image poster for 'Koala Paddleboards' video Language Arts Koala Paddleboards. Image poster for 'Turtle Dash' video Language Arts Turtle Dash. Image poster for 'Spelling Bees' video. Coconut Vowels is a language arts game that provides practice in spelling. Coconuts with partial words fall to the beach. The student must match missing letters to the correct word coconut. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Coconut Vowels Practice spelling and word decoding skills. Coconut Vowels supports Common Core Standard RF.2.3. Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
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- Coconut VowelsSpelling with vowels
- Hands on Banking
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- Hands on BankingMoney skills you need for life.
- Word InvasionParts of Speech
- Coconut VowelsSpelling with vowels
- Hands on Banking
Coconut Vowels Game
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- Ben's Guide to the U.S. Government
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- eMediaVAVirginia's premier digital media distribution system featuring educational content!
- Under His HatDiscover Abraham Lincoln's story with primary sources.
- AAA Math
- Hands on BankingMoney Skills you need for life.
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- Coconut VowelsSpelling with vowels
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- AAA Math
- Advanced Placement Courses
- Hands on BankingMoney skills you need for life.
- AAA Math
- Advanced Placement Courses
- Hands on BankingMoney skills you need for life.
- AAA Math
- Advanced Placement Courses
- Hands on BankingMoney skills you need for life.
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